Asure Insurance

+65 8823 8181

Enquiry Now

1 Harvey rd #04-00

369610, Singapore

Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00

Closed on Sat, Sun, PH

Motor Insurance

  • Injury to someone else in an accident
  • Damage to someone’s property
  • Legal coats and expenses

How it works


Get Your

Be Insured

Why Motor Insurance ?

Motor insurance can cover any other loss or damage that you may suffer in a motor accident. Auto insurance policies often have excess charges, which are charges you may incur when you file a claim against your policy. Generally, the more risk an insurance company takes, the higher the deductible.

Key Benefits

NCD Protection

  • Protect & advance your NCD even with 1 at-fault claim.

Workshop Service

  • You have a choice of workshops for any self-damaged repairs you may require for your car. 

Accident Injury

  • Injury to someone else in an accident.

Car Accident Damage

  • Damage to your car by fire.
  • If you crash into a third-party vehicle or besides a car.

Car Stole

  • If your car is stolen.
  • Damaged during an attempted theft.

Flood or Natural Disaster

  • Damage by flood or natural disaster.
  • Damage to your windscreen or windows.

Frequently asked questions

Car insurance, also known as motorcar insurance, vehicle insurance, or auto insurance, provides vehicle owners with financial protection against medical and liability costs arising from traffic incidents. Car insurance may additionally offer financial protection against vehicle theft and damage due to events other than car accidents, such as natural disasters and collisions with stationary objects.
If you’re involved in a car accident while driving uninsured, you’ll have to pay for the repair or replacement of your car, any broken personal possessions, and any medical expenses yourself.

You will need to bring along a copy of your SAS accident report, your Certificate of Insurance and your accident vehicle to any of our authorised workshops to make a claim under your own policy. If you are unsure, please call us at +65 8823 8181 or

Make a police report in the place where the accident or loss occurred and do so within 24 hours. If you’re in West Malaysia or Southern Thailand and you need a tow to the nearest repair workshop, we can help you arrange that. You will need to pay the service provider and you can claim it back on your policy, up to the specified amount, when you return to Singapore. Call us at +65 8823 8181 (Overseas/Emergency).